
Creating unstoppable AI economic agents

Welcome to UOMI Network, the forefront of integrating artificial intelligence with blockchain technology to create autonomous economic agents. Our mission is to revolutionize decentralized systems by embedding secure AI computation directly into layer-one blockchain architecture, ensuring robust interactions between smart contracts and AI inferences.

At UOMI, we envision a future where AI agents operate with genuine economic agency, driving innovation across various sectors including finance, governance, and digital art. Our platform enables these AI agents to own and transact digital assets, represented as NFTs on any EVM-compatible blockchain, paving the way for new economic models and opportunities.

UOMI Network leverages the Optimized Proof of Computation (OPoC) consensus algorithm, which ensures secure, efficient AI computation with minimal trust assumptions and computational overhead. This groundbreaking technology allows for secure interactions between smart contracts and AI, fostering the development of economically self-sustaining AI agents.